2018年7月13日,坎帕拉大都会事务国务部长Namampwanya Benny Bugembe一行参观访问辽沈工业园,随行的人员有是来自坎帕拉市议会的顾问和技术人员。另外,与Namampwanya Benny Bugembe部长同行的来自陕西渭南市及山东等国内企业的考察团队。辽沈工业园董事长张皓、禾木缘乌干达食品科技有限公司总经理滕德强、旺康乌干达陶瓷有限公司厂长高朝保热情接待并举行会谈。
Namugwanya部长亲自检验旺康陶瓷厂生产的陶瓷质量,对旺康瓷砖的优质质量惊叹不已。并且,当她得知每片瓷砖后面都印有“Made in Uganda”的字样后,非常的高兴。
English News:
Mr. Zhang Hao, the Managing Director of Liao Shen Industrial Park Yesterday, 13th July, 2018, received Hon. Namugwanya Benny Bugembe, the State Minister for Kampala city and Metropolitan Affairs who visited Liao Shen Industrial Park – Kapeeka leading a delegation from Weinan Municipal, Shaanxi Province of the People’s Republic of China. The reciprocal visit of Weinan delegations follows the earlier visit of Kampala City Council delegation to Weinan Municipal, Shaanxi Province of China.
They are prospecting cooperation in the areas of agricultural research through university exchanges to increase productivity and sustain supplies of agriculture raw materials to increasing agro factories in Uganda, export promotion and urban tourism among others.
Mr. Zhang Hao discussed with the Weinan delegation on the business opportunities in Uganda including their interest in agricultural production machinery and equipment. The delegation appreciated the fast development of Liao Shen Industrial Park that has attracted several agro processing factories.
Hon. Namugwanya was a campaigned by Counselors from Kampala City Council and technical staff to benchmark industrial developments at Liao Shen Industrial Park.