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乌干达商务部国务部长Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa参观调研辽沈工业园建设工作

2018-05-04 13:58    乌干达辽沈工业园    1060阅读

       2018年05月02日,乌干达商务部国务部长Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa参观调研辽沈工业园建设工作。旺康乌干达陶瓷有限公司董事长杨震、辽沈工业园总经理郭斌热情接待并举行会谈。


       Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长首先来到了旺康陶瓷工厂,零距离参观了旺康陶瓷从生产、包装到出库的全生产流程,对旺康陶瓷对现代化的生产厂房、先进的生产工艺、工人们表现的高素质均赞叹不已 ,Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长还饶有兴致的抬起一箱陶瓷砖,亲身感受了它的重量,欣喜的心情溢于言表。

       参观生产线后,Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长在旺康陶瓷厂新生产的瓷砖上留言祝愿,并合影留念。

       Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长随后来到禾木缘乌干达食品有限公司,所有参观人员都从头到脚换上了一次性的工作帽、工作服、鞋套、口罩等,并经过消毒程序后走进车间。大型机械化生产效率极高,当下正是芒果的收获的季节,大批的优质果干生产出来并包装完好,整个过程均为无菌操作。在包装车间,禾木缘员工邀请Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长品尝了刚刚生产的芒果干,部长对果干的品质和口感赞不绝口。

       Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长最后来到亚和投资有限公司参观并最做总结讲话,Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长对辽沈工业园的发展规划给予肯定,同时对辽沈工业园为乌干达当地经济发展所发挥的积极促进作用表示充分认可,辽沈工业园将充分利用乌干达物产、土地、矿产、区位及东非共同体及南部非洲发展共同体的政策优势,将带动乌干达相关产业链发展,对相关配套行业以及出口创汇大幅度拉动,将为乌干达提供大量直接和间接就业岗位,同时为乌干达培养一大批相关领域专业人才。

      最后,辽沈工业园总经理郭斌对Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa部长到访及对工业园发展的支持表示感谢。

Hon.Werikhe Micheal Kafabusa, State Minister for Industry pays a courtesy visit to Liao Shen Industrial Park

On Wednesday 2nd May, 2018, Hon Werikhe, the State Minister for Industry with an officer from the Ministry of Trade & Industry, visited Liao Shen Industrial Park.

At the park, Hon Werikhe was received by Mr. Guo Bin, General Manager Liao Shen Industrial Park who toured him around first at Goodwill Ceramic factory where he acknowledged them for the good work and urged them to keep it up. He was later taken to Ho & Mu Food factory and finally ended at Yahe International Investment Co. Ltd.

The minister was informed of the various challenges the operators are facing like delays by UNBS to test and certify products for export, market access to curb importation and competition from imports that affects the locally produced goods as they need to maximally enjoy the internal markets. The minister noted that UNBS is designating testing on site as this will burden off the producers from time and money spent bringing their products to UNBS Head offices for testing and certifying. 

Hon Werikhe also noted that MTIC came up with Grain Regulations to curb smuggling and other regularities like price fluctuations to protect the producers.

Earlier in the day, the management of Liao Shen Industrial Park held meetings with the operator of the National Electricity Grid (UMEME) and National Water and Sewerage Corporation officials to discuss the stability of water and electricity to Liao Shen Industrial Park. 

Liao Shen Industrial Park is also enhancing relations with the local community and leaders of Nakaseke District. The Liao Shen Industrial Park has attended District Council meetings to share information on the development of the Liao Shen Industrial Park in Kapeeka. 

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