2018年3月16日,辽沈工业园区董事柳明淑与StandardHigh School共同参与了在Kapeeka开展“美化家园”植树活动。本次活动的意义是向当地居民、特别是孩子们宣传绿色环保理念,并表达和大家携手创造美好家园的愿望。
本次活动,辽沈工业园在Kapeeka地区附近第一期种植了230棵树(Jakalander和Umbrellatrees spices),另外告知当地领导人,已经联系好一家中国塑料回收加工厂,可以把空塑料瓶等废品收集并卖到加工厂,而不是在镇上乱扔垃圾,这样既保持了卫生环境,又可以变废为钱,该加工厂还承诺只要积累到足够一车数量的塑料瓶,就可以免费上门取回并付款。
On the 16th March 2018, Ms. Liu Ming Shu the Directors of Liao Shen Industrial Park in partnership with Standard High School launched a tree planting activity around Kapeeka town . This was not only aimed at beautifying Kapeeka Town Board but also instilling a culture of cleanness amongst the locals.
Ms. Liu noted that at her first visit to Kapeeka 2 years back, she was shocked as the town was untidy full of polythene bags, empty bottles and not properly planned. She thus vowed as an investor who had come to establish business in kapeeka to work hand in hand with the local leaders to make Kapeeka a model town in the country. She further noted that her 10years old son, a scout also inspired her to this noble cause.
In her speech to the students, Ms. Liu advised them to adopt a sustainable life style that will promote hygiene and sanitation as well as protect the environment in their communities. She further urged them that it’s their noble obligation as the young generation to save the environment by planting about 3 trees for every one tree that is being cut.
A total of 230 trees (Jakalander and Umbrella trees spices) were planted around Kapeeka town and vowed to link the local leaders to a Chinese recycling plant that buys the empty bottles instead of littering them in the town.
She noted that the Jakaland trees flower thrice in year and during that season Kapeeka town will look pinkish while she reasoned that planting of the umbrella is aimed at providing shade to people with stalls along the road side. She further pledged to give some trees to students willing to plant trees at their homes.